Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Crop out Arthritis!!

Crop out Arthritis was a great success!

On October 2nd scrapbookers participated in an all day scrapbooking event at Auntie Em's in Cornwall. This was by far my most successful event throughout my fund raising!

25 ladies reserved a seat and cropped the day away from noon to midnight. Two Guys Burgers and Fries generously donated dinner to all the participants and opened their windows to the general public.

It was a fun filled day with lots of contests and prizes.

Thanks Emma for opening up your doors to this event and I am glad we got to celebrate your birthday with a fun filled day!

Thanks again to all of you for coming out and giving generously!

Pics to come as soon as blogger allows me to upload again since they are down for maintenance.

GRAND total of the DAY 1250$
Thanks for coming Linda it was nice to have you there.
Fiona!! It's so nice to see you and live close to you again!! Thanks for coming.
Here is France she looks like she is having a great time :)

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