First I guess I should start by explaining that JIM is not a man it's the acronym for the Joints in Motion program. I was lucky enough to notice a poster on the subway and decided I should find out what it was all about. After checking out the website I spent the night tossing and turning with excitement for this adventure.
A week later I attended the info session with the intention of participating in the Everest trek but unfortunately the dates were not good for me. But as soon as they started talking about the marathon in Greece it was clear! That was the one I was to participate in. So this October I will be running my very first marathon in Greece!!! The best part of this adventure is that I am able to participate in something huge in honour of my lifelong friend Nadine who has suffered from arthritis for too long.
The goal is to fund raise 6800$ and take part in a 20 week training plan...It is a big commitment but what better reason to get up and move and make a difference.
Through this blog I hope to keep my supporters informed and updated on the training and any events I plan for fund raising. Please go to this link and donate your support is much appreciated.
So here I go.